Describe your belief:
I believe that there is potential for an opportunity here in the city of Gainesville. My unmet need is the lack of indoor soccer turf fields in Gainesville. The need affects the population of the city that likes the sport and either plays it or has played it. There is plenty of potential for the implementation of an indoor soccer facility as evident by the existing Sunday league community, intramural seasons at UF and Santa Fe College, and youth clubs in Gainesville. The need for a location has always existed, to my knowledge, even before I moved up here since there are none here. This would allow customers to play at whatever time they please, no matter the conditions outside as they would be sheltered. There has been no development in fulfilling this need. People mostly just play as part of an intramural team or Sunday league team. I am 85% sure that this opportunity exists.
Prototypical customer:
The prototypical customers would be soccer players.
Iteration # 1
An intramural teammate, male, 19
What is the exact nature of the need?
"There needs to be an alternative to league games, which are just one day out of the week. It should be something less formal and can be planned with whoever you want it to be."
When do you become aware of the need? Is it all the time or sometimes?
"I become aware of the need when I feel like playing, it is not all the time but it will pop up pretty frequently."
How long have you had the need?
"Since my first semester at UF, fall 2018 ."
When did you first become aware of this need? Why?
"My first semester at UF, because back home I would have indoor games like 4 times a month, and I was unable to do that activity here."
How are you currently addressing your need?
"I just play here at Southwest Rec once a week with my intramural team for the season, which lasts about a month right now."
How satisfied are you with your solution?
"I'm somewhat satisfied. Indoor would be great because I would be able to plan out games when I felt like playing."
Iteration #2
A friend's girlfriend, plays soccer, 18
What is the exact nature of the need?
"It is a place to improve your ability as a player since there is more focus on individual skills. It feels more private."
When do you become aware of the need? Is it all the time or sometimes?
"I become aware when I get inspired to play after watching a game or seeing the best highlights of the week. I become aware of it sometimes."
How long have you had the need?
"I've had the need ever since I moved up here to Gainesville, last fall."
When did you first become aware of this need? Why?
"I first became aware of this need when I googled indoor soccer and the closest results were in Orlando."
How are you currently addressing your need?
"I play intramural at UF and I also go take practice shots at a park close to my apartment."
How satisfied are you with your solution?
"I'm not that satisfied, I get left with the feeling of wanting more. Indoor soccer is my favorite form of soccer so that's when I have the most fun."
Iteration #3
A Sunday league player, male, 27
What is the exact nature of the need?
"It is another option to play when the conditions aren't so great outside. There has been plenty of times where games are canceled and have to be rescheduled and me and my teammates are left with the desire of wanting to play."
When do you become aware of the need? Is it all the time or sometimes?
"Since I mostly play Sunday league it's only sometimes when the day is ugly outside and we can't play. It also happens when the league is in a break and I want to play."
How long have you had the need?
"Probably since I first started Sunday league like two years ago."
When did you first become aware of this need? Why?
"I first became aware during the summer of my first year doing Sunday league, since it rains a lot during the summer."
How are you currently addressing your need?
"I try to play pick-up games at my apartment complex when I don't have games."
How satisfied are you with your solution?
"I'm pretty satisfied, both the league and the pick-up games keep me busy."
I feel like there is strong approval of my opportunity within the local soccer community. The most surprising thing I learned was the different ways people make up for the lack of an indoor soccer place. Depending on the amount of free time, the stronger the approval for the opportunity.
How much of your original opportunity is still there?
After asking the prototypical customers about the opportunity I'd say that there about 67% of my opportunity exists. Gainesville has a large soccer community so I still believe it'd be a success to start it.
Do you believe that your new opportunity is more accurate than when you started?
I believe it is less accurate than when I started. 2 out of the 3 prototypical customers expressed substantial concern at the lack of the opportunity while the odd one out had more of a feeling of indifference.
How much do you think entrepreneurs should 'adapt' their opportunities based on customer feedback?
I believe entrepreneurs should start their opportunities the way they envisioned it, then after initial feedback, make modifications to it in order to satisfy their customers. The trade-off would be that the entrepreneur loses more and more of his original concept but adapts to ensure that customers are pleased and come back to them.
Hey Luis!
ReplyDeleteI would have never guessed an unmet need would be indoor soccer fields in Gainesville, which I love. I agree that the Gainesville community especially at the university has many avid soccer fans that play club or intermural soccer that have few places to practice their beloved sport. And from your interviews, as you stated, approval for your opportunity belief is high for people who would love to have an indoor turf field to play soccer on. And lastly, I agree with what concessions have to be made towards their original design and how much it would costs that concept in order to adapt to a new need of consumers.
Hey Luis,
ReplyDeleteI think the reason that this need is unmet is because of free access to outdoor fields through UF recreation sports. People do not want to pay for indoor soccer when they can just reserve/use outdoor fields for free. In other words, indoor soccer seems like a luxury in a city that is crowded with college students who do not have a lot of disposable money. It might succeed, but the cost would need to be rather low.