Friday, April 10, 2020

23A – Your Venture’s Unfair Advantage

  1. Passion for the game
    1. Valuable: This is valuable because I put extra love and effort into my work since its related to my favorite sport.
    2. Rare: Not that rare but it is important to practice and have consistently for maximum effort.
    3. Imitability: Can be imitated if you love the game as much as I do 
    4. Non-substituable: Can not be substituted 
  2. Interpersonal skills
    1. Valuable: Highly valuable for the treatment of customers, employees, and suppliers to connect and maintain good relations.
    2. Rare: Should not be that rare ideally.
    3. Imitability: Can be imitated but must be equally as consistent with me. 
    4. Non-substituable: Can not be substituted
  3. Proximity to the unmet need
    1. Valuable: Valuable because I have seen how it affects people firsthand and have seen the extent of the need for it.
    2. Rare: Rare because I have first hand accounts. 
    3. Imitability: Can be imitated only if you have lived in the same region.
    4. Non-substituable: Cannot be substituted. 
  4. Experience
    1. Valuable: Valuable because I have tried out similar businesses and seen how they operate first hand and I have opinions on what I like and dislike about them.  
    2. Rare: Can be rare, some people might not have been to as many places as I have. 
    3. Imitability: My experience is unique so others would have different opinions and experiences. 
    4. Non-substituable: Cannot be substituted.
  5. Sole supplier
    1. Valuable: Extremely valuable because there is no other provider of my service in the area.
    2. Rare: Rare because I am the only one.
    3. Imitability: Can be imitated in the future.
    4. Non-substituable: Can be substituted for another sport or outdoor fields.
  6. Bilingual in English+Spanish, intermediate level of Portuguese
    1. Valuable: Extremely valuable because I could connect with and attract people of various backgrounds. 
    2. Rare: Not a lot of people are fluent in more than one language. 
    3. Imitability: Can be imitated by learning more languages.
    4. Non-substituable: Cannot be substituted.
  7. Care and accessibility
    1. Valuable: Valuable because I live near the area and my priority will be my business, so accessibility will be high.
    2. Rare: Not that rare, most people live near their jobs. 
    3. Imitability: Can easily be imitated if people put in the effort.
    4. Non-substituable: Accessibility can be substituted through employing others.
  8. Connections to owners in the same industry
    1. Valuable: Valuable because I can learn from their example and apply their methods to my business.
    2. Rare: Rare, depending on the area that you are looking at. 
    3. Imitability: Can be imitated but my connections will be unique.
    4. Non-substituable: Cannot be substituted.
  9.  Detail-oriented
    1. Valuable: Valuable because it is the small details that win over customers and make the difference between them liking your business or not.
    2. Rare: Can be rare to find among individuals. 
    3. Imitability: Can be picked up by others, but is difficult to master.
    4. Non-substituable: Can not be substituted.
  10. Resilience
    1. Valuable: Valuable because it is important to have when going though rough patches. 
    2. Rare: Can be rare to find within individuals. 
    3. Imitability: Can be imitated if you look for the right people.
    4. Non-substituable: Can not be substituted.
The fact that I would be the sole supplier in the Gainesville area makes it my best unfair advantage. I would basically become a monopoly for the region in providing indoor soccer services. It is the most important one because I would have no competition and people in my proximity would be forced to go to my business for the services I offer. And while the threat for future entrants exists, I will be the more established business known by the population and get a feel for how to run it according to consumer feedback. 


  1. I think that one of your most underrated resources will definitely be the fact that you speak multiple languages. Also, soccer's international popularity is one that transcends language, it will certainly be something that is important if you want to be able to reach various markets. Something as simple as scheduling appointments or payment information can hinge on language. It seems like such a small barrier to business, but even having a website with only one language can turn others off. I think this, in addition to your other resources, have you set up for success.

  2. Hey Luis,

    First, l liked the way that you broke down your 10 unfair advantages. It made it very clear what you were talking about and how it was a significant advantage for you. I think that your fifth point was the most pivotal thing that made your list so compelling because there are not any other places in Gainesville solely dedicated to an indoor soccer field. Good work.


    Austin Felter
