Friday, April 3, 2020

21A - Reading Reflection No. 2

The Art of Social Media - Guy Kawasaki & Peg Fitzpatrick

1. The argument for this book is to provide the reader with the best tips in promoting their business, organization or themselves on all types of social media. 

2. The book connected with me and enhanced multiple aspects of what I am learning in ENT 3003. Some of these were how to promote myself and my products/ services to my viewers (potential customers), how to gain more followers on my platforms and how to meet and interact with people face-to-face.  

3. If I had to design an assignment with regards to this book, I would want people to pick out 10 different tips on improving their social media and ask them to apply it to their social media platforms and provide photo evidence and explain what they did in a blog post. 

4. The moment that was most impactful when reading this book was learning about dropping the idea that you should only post about what you think people will like and avoid posting content that people will dislike and even unfollow you for. As Kawasaki mentions, " if you're not pissing people off on social media, you're not using it right." 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Luis,

    Social media is essential for running any businesses form the smallest family owned businesses to the largest corporation due to the interconnected world that we live in and how impressions on social media are paramount. I like the idea that you have for the class to pick ten different tips and tricks for social media as it could help so many businesses and personal accounts to grow their presences. Great job.

    Austin Felter
